
An attention-based neural network for multi-label sentence classification

Primary LanguagePython

AttnConvnet at SemEval-2018 Task 1 : Attention-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-label Emotion Classification

Tensorflow implementation of AttnConvnet

Warning!! Dirty version source code

The source code will be beautified and restructured ASAP

  1. Model

    • Embedding

      • Pre-trained Glove embeddings
      • random initialized embeddings
    • Multi-head Dot-product Attention

    • 1-layer Convolutional Neural Network

  2. Dataset


  • python 2.7
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • Tensorflow 1.4
  • nltk


  1. Download data to data/(In the root directory)
mkdir data
cd data
mkdir processed
wget http://saifmohammad.com/WebDocs/AIT-2018/AIT2018-DATA/E-c/English/2018-E-c-En-train.zip
wget http://saifmohammad.com/WebDocs/AIT-2018/AIT2018-DATA/E-c/English/2018-E-c-En-dev.zip
wget http://saifmohammad.com/WebDocs/AIT-2018/AIT2018-DATA/AIT2018-TEST-DATA/semeval2018englishtestfiles/2018-E-c-En-test.zip

# unzip
unzip 2018-E-c-En-train.zip
unzip 2018-E-c-En-dev.zip
unzip 2018-E-c-En-test.zip
  1. Emoji-to-meaning preprocessing(To be updated)

  2. Get pre-trained embedding(Optional)

wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.840B.300d.zip
unzip glove.840B.300d.zip
  1. Process data
cd ..
python process_data.py
python process_embedding.py # (optional) get pre-trained embedding, it will take a couple of minutes
  1. Get & process nrc Lexicon file(Optional)
    • Put the file NRC-Emotion-Lexicon-Wordlevel-v0.92.txt inside data/
python process_nrc.py # it will take a couple of minutes
  1. Train & Test model
# Train
bash run.sh [parameter set] train
# Example : bash run.sh basic_params train

# Text
bash run.sh [parameter set] pred
# Example : bash run.sh basic_params pred

Use pre-trained embedding

Open params.py and change embedding = None to the path of pre-trained embedding file

Example : embedding = 'data/processed/glove_embedding.npy'

Use lexicon

Open params.py and change lexicon_effect = None to other values

  • AC + nrc1 in paper
    • lexicon_effect = 'nrc1'
  • AC + nrc2 in paper
    • lexicon_effect = 0.4