MindArc Astro

The purpose of the Astro Theme is to be a starting point for MindArc developers to build client-centric Shopify stores. It is not a plug and play theme where most things can be configured from the theme settings. The theme settings should be reserved for client data or anything the client would like to edit themselves with minimal risk. Design customisations such as topography and colours should be in code as this is not likely to change frequently.

This project is based off shopify/slate and shopify/starter-theme.

Slate is a command line tool for developing Shopify Themes. See Slate docs for more information. However, we have decided to remove Slate tools and use webpack directly.

Starter Theme is the opinionated theme developed by the Shopify Themes Team for Slate projects. We will be modifying and building upon this to suit our needs.

⚠️ After cloning

🚧 Initial setup

The following items are required before the initial git commit.

  1. Create private GitHub repo for the new project

  2. Setup the Shopify development store - please follow MindArc's store URL and naming convention

  3. Create private app for theme development and storefront API

  4. Update config.yml

  5. Update values in src/js/utils/api.js

  6. Clean up new project README

  • Remove section above --- Remove above after cloning ---
  • Fill in project information placeholders

:octocat: Reset git

  1. Remove the current git history
rm -rf .git
  1. Recreate git and link to your new repo
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/mindarc/<new_project>.git
  1. Initial commit to new project

💡 Get the Astro version fron https://github.com/mindarc/astro/releases

git add .
git commit -m "Astro <version>"
git push -u origin master

⚠️ Created a new git repo? Update the access to include mindarc-development. Do this from repo > Settings > Manage Access > Invite mindarc/mindarc-development team as Admin

🚀 Deploy theme

If replacing an existing theme e.g. Debut, you will need to clear the config first.

  1. Do this from Shopify admin > Online Store > Theme actions > Edit code > config/settings_data.json

  2. Replace content with

  1. Deploy theme
yarn install
yarn build-dev
theme deploy

------------------------ Remove above after cloning ------------------------

<project> by MindArc

  • DEV - <dev_url>
  • PROD - <prod_url>

This project is based off mindarc/astro.

Getting started

Assumed knowledge:

  • Shopify store setup for theme development
  • Basic understanding of ThemeKit
  • Frontend development using Liquid, Sass and VueJS

Tools required

Store setup

  1. Add Styleguide page
  2. Enable customers and payment
  3. Create private app for theme development and storefront API

Project setup

Install dependencies

From your project root, run:

$ yarn install

⚠️ Error during yarn install? Try running the following and try again. More information here.

yarn cache clean

Theme Kit

Setup config.yml file. See here for instructions.

Deploy your theme to your store. See here for instructions.

⚠️ Issues while deploying your theme? If you are replacing an existing theme with Astro, the old theme's config/settings_data.json should be replaced with {}. Do this from Shopify admin > Online Store > Theme actions > Edit code.

Development and deployment

Local development

Open 2 terminals from your project root and run the following in separate terminals

yarn watch
theme watch

💡 Hint theme commands without environment -e specified, defaults to -e development.

Production deployment

Build the production ready assets with

yarn build-prod

Then use Theme Kit to deploy

theme deploy -e <env>

Current library stack

(Excluding Slate Libraries)

