
Python program allows you to create and compare a detailed inventory or snapshot of a directory.

Primary LanguagePython

Program:         DirectorySnapshot
Version:         2.1
Date:            05/31/2014
Website:         http://www.HumairAhmed.com
Developer(s):    Humair Ahmed 


Open source software being distributed under GPLv2 license. For more 
information see here:

Can edit and redistribute code as long as above reference of authorship 
is kept within the code.

Updates/New in 2.1:

- Added 'Settings' option to main menu. Setting option leads the user to another new
submenu. User is now able to enable FTP functionality. Once FTP is enabled, all '.snap'
files created by the program are also copied/uploaded to a FTP server.

- Cleaned-up code

Program Description:

Program allows you to take a detailed inventory or snapshot of a directory and 
automatically stores the information or tree hierarchy to a ".snap" file within
an automatically created 'snapshots' directory. It then allows you to compare 
several '.snap' files and display any differences in terms of added or removed 
sub-directories or files. Below is example output when the program is started.
User can also enable FTP functio.nality which will upload a copy of the '.snap' 
program-created files to a FTP server.Currently program is CLI based but a 
future version will also allow the program to be run via GUI.


    Please select a number and press enter:
    1. Create directory snapshot
    2, List directory snapshot files
    3. Compare directory snapshot files
    4. Settings
    5. Help
    6. Exit

 Selecting #4 above leads you to another submenu where you can setup FTP, so, upon 
 creation, '.snap' files are uploaded to a FTP server. Below is the submenu.

    Please select a number and press enter:
    1. Change local folder to automatically save '.snap' files to
    2. Setup FTP to automatically upload '.snap' files to FTP server
    3. Disable FTP upload (will delete all saved FTP information)
    4. Return to main menu

Upcoming features planned to be added in a future release include:

- storing the entire directory/file path for each entry
- showing directories/files edited along with the current display of added/removed directories/files
- allowing the user to specify where to store '.snap' files if default directory is not desirable
- allowing for renaming and deleting '.snap' files


Python 3.3.5 was used to write this program.