
Data Coordination Platform manifest and integration tests.

Primary LanguagePython

Data Coordination Platform

Snyk Vulnerabilities for GitHub Repo (Specific Manifest)

This repository servers two purposes.

  1. It contains the manifest of which versions of which components are deployed to each environment.
  2. It is the home of system-wide integration tests.

Before you can run the tests, you need to setup your environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt
# ping in #dcp-ops or #dcp-ops-help if you need valid service account credentials

Instructions for running tests locally in python 3.6:

Be aware that you will be uploading bundles to the specified deployment (integration/staging/prod) of the DCP and running secondary analysis. The test currently takes about 120 minutes to run (longer for optimus, shorter for smart-seq-2).


To only run one of the pipelines, smart-seq2 for example, and retain the bundles (disable tombstoning) use Python 3.6:

RETAIN_BUNDLES=True DEPLOYMENT_ENV={ENV} python -m unittest tests.integration.test_end_to_end_dcp.TestSmartSeq2Run.test_smartseq2_run

To only run one of the pipelines, smart-seq2 for example, use Python 3.6:

DEPLOYMENT_ENV={ENV} python -m unittest tests.integration.test_end_to_end_dcp.TestSmartSeq2Run.test_smartseq2_run

Security Policy

See our Security Policy.

Operations Wiki

See https://allspark.dev.data.humancellatlas.org/dcp-ops/docs/wikis/home.