- abinjoabraham
- alabargaExperimental Serendipity
- AlexandruBurlacuChisinau, Republic of Moldova
- aristotllShanghai
- armaninspace
- C-A-HernandezInfer Health IT
- CodingBoOGuangdong University of Technology
- dasdy@people-ai
- deppp@humansignal
- eaubin
- gbpcosta
- heters
- hongguiShanghai
- Honghe
- javierlorenzodNielsenIQ
- kartikkwatra
- korjaniLos Angeles
- m-romanenko@sicara
- mayurnewaseEarth C-42
- niyazedSOCAR Mobility Malaysia
- owenchenAvalanche Computing Taiwan Inc.
- Rainelz
- robsalascoSantiago, Chile
- RodrigoCMoraes@vtex
- seifer08msChina
- shevchenkonikCroatia
- strategist922Microsoft
- TommyHuang821Taiwan
- usamahjundiaIberia
- VictorAtPLWarsaw, Poland
- VilluxIntuition Machines
- wangx1996BIT(Graduated)
- wmjpillowMetanovas Biotech
- zehfernandes@resendlabs
- ZylatisMelbourne