Tools for converting Label Studio annotations into common dataset formats
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The way to convert a label from Label Studio for the problem of Text Recognition uses "rotation"
#297 opened by CungNguyenHuy - 3
the downloaded file is empty and of size 1Byte, pls look into it and fix it asap
#292 opened by PrashantPandeyShorthillsAI - 5
export to yolov8 format
#253 opened by huhuang03 - 1
There was a problem exporting the yolov5 dataset/ but when i export the yolov3/4 dataset is normal / happend when i using Object Detection with Bounding Boxes
#293 opened by xiaocaof - 2
【question】 Attempt to convert the dataset to Label Studio format using the source code
#291 opened by jiangtangaaaa - 0
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#284 opened by MosbehBarhoumi - 0
Support for nltk>=3.8.1
#283 opened by kennethleungty - 1
Unable to convert multi-class instance segmentation dataset from YOLO TXT format
#269 opened by adbcode - 0
[suggestion] Export format add YOLOV8-OBB
#280 opened by TRYOKETHEPEN - 1
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Why can't I use BrushLabel and export it to VOC?
#275 opened by tiagodavi - 0
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Guidance needed on converting from Coco to LS
#207 opened by opyate - 0
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YOLO import to LS doesnt import labels
#236 opened by KrystianLata - 0
bug in "iter_from_json_file" method
#246 opened by Surya291 - 0
The iter_from_dir that uses`json.load` in method convert_to_voc does not open the json file.
#241 opened by keithleungwork - 1
Oriented Bounding Box
#234 opened by syedfquadri - 1
RectangleLabels : x,y values inconsistent
#235 opened by syedfquadri - 2
Export annotations into Oriented Box Bounding.
#212 opened by dpushin1 - 2
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What is the correct way to convert bbox from label studio to LayoutLMv3Processor bbox format?
#232 opened by aimlnerd - 3
YOLO Segmentation
#208 opened by jonathan-attard - 0
Export columns selection
#231 opened by kirillrafalson - 0
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Python directions in README are wrong
#221 opened by ericchansen - 0
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YOLO, COCO export error
#222 opened by reloadggg - 0
Export polygons as PNG mask
#220 opened by rafaelcolmenares - 1
Export to Pascal VOC XML is not working.
#218 opened by RiyaGIHX - 1
can you add labelme JSON for annotation format?
#217 opened by MJWu-wizard - 0
Is it possible to convert texts containing relations annotated in Label Studio into a Spacy binary file format ?
#219 opened by Sofyan-fcomte - 3
Export issue Pascal voc xml
#166 opened by sumitctm - 9
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Convert polygon masks to COCO format
#148 opened by saskra - 1
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How to add filter on export the project
#181 opened by AimannKhan - 3
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Adding a direct polygon mask export
#190 opened by saskra - 1
Export to csv doesnt work for multiline value
#185 opened by igolant - 3
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Importing from YOLO ("label" to "labels")
#149 opened by TByte007