
Snake game written in C# at a code dojo

Primary LanguageC#


During the first semester of Year 1 at the University of Southampton, there was a society that ran Code Dojos, which were organised once a month. Unfortunately, these did not continue after the first meeting.

The theme of the Code Dojo was "Classic Games". We were given 1.5 hours to create a game using any programming language that we wanted. We chose to pick the game "Snake", and the language C#. Originally, we were going to use Java, as all members had some basic experience with it, but to our dismay, Java did not have a native console clearing functionality.

Our team consisted of Samuel Collins, Bradley Garrod and Samuel Nicholson. Samuel Collins was the only member with experience writing C# code, so the other two members had to learn on the job.

Our implementation was console based. You can move the snake head using the arrow keys. There is a single piece of food placed within the game board at any one time. If the snake eats the food, then its length increases by 1. If the snake collides with the side of the board, or eats itself, then the game ends.

At the end of the allocated time, we had to present our game to the rest of the room.