
A modified version of `EccentricFD` waveform

Primary LanguageC

What is pyEccentricFD?

This is a modified version of the EccentricFD waveform, which is specially for space-detector responses. If you want to check the original codes, see files in LALSuite

Get started

with Python (Quick install)

python setup.py install --with-gsl=/your/gsl/path

with cmake

  • You may want to compile them manually in your own environment, here is an example using cmake:
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake ..
  • Then you can find libEccFD.so in cmake-build/.

  • Move libEccFD.so to pyEccentricFD/ (i.e. the same folder as pyEccentricFD.py).

  • Then you can run tests/py_eccfd_test.py to test if they are well-connected.

  • You do not need to install LAL since I have rewritten those part, we only need a C environment and gsl.

    • Note: If cmake cannot find gsl automatically, you have to specify the directories in CMakeLists.txt.

You can also see settings in CMakeLists.txt for an executable EccentricFD_test, this is just for testing, like:

cmake-build/EccentricFD_test 10 10 0.4 0.23 0.23 0 100 0.01 1 0.0001 0 0

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