
Resource allocatee of Project Eru

Primary LanguagePython

Eru Resource

Eru resource tool



Add Influxdb:

$ res add_influxdb marco --length 9 --admin false

Options are:

  • --length, -l: the length of the password
  • --admin, -a: admin for user

Add Sentry:

$ res add_sentry marco --platform python --namespace platform

Options are:

  • --platform, -p: the language of the project
  • --namespace, -n: the group in sentry

Nginx Reload:

$ res nginx_reload /tmp/marco.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/marco.conf --nginx-list nginx.sample --key-file armin.pub --user armin

Arguments are:

  • local_path: local nginx conf path
  • remote_path: remote nginx conf path, e.g. /etc/nginx/conf.d/marco.conf

Options are:

  • --nginx-list, -l: file that contains nginx server list
  • --key-file, -k: SSH public key
  • --user, -u: user to login

Nginx Clean:

$ res nginx_clean /etc/nginx/conf.d/marco.conf --nginx-list nginx.sample --key-file armin.pub --user armin

Arguments are:

  • remote_path: remote nginx conf path, e.g. /etc/nginx/conf.d/marco.conf

Options are:

  • --nginx-list, -l: file that contains nginx server list
  • --key-file, -k: SSH public key
  • --user, -u: user to login

Set Upstreams:

$ res set_upstreams -l ./nginx-update-list app1,

Arguments are:

  • appname: as it said
  • upstreams: upstreams split by comma

Options are:

  • --update-list, -l: Nginx update interface list file

Remove Upstreams:

$ res remove_upstreams -l ./nginx-update_list app1

Arguments are:

  • appname: as it said

Options are:

  • --update-list, -l: Nginx update interface list file

Command Options are:

  • --config-path: path for root config in etcd, which stores mysql/influxdb/sentry key information