
A website to help volunteers prevent toads and frogs roadkill.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Our application is divided between a client-side ReactJS application and a server-side Node.js application.



  • User

    • name
    • email
    • passwordHashAndSalt
    • role: volunteer or admin
  • frog counter

  • Notification

  • Admin

  • Calender (?)

  • Message dashboard: this will be the message model that the Admin POSTs messages to. We will then GET these messages and display them in volunteer user profile

Controllers (REST API endpoints)

| METHOD | PATH | DESCRIPTION | AUTHENTICATION | GET | /statistics | Render personal statistics about volunteer activity | authenticated | | GET | /global-statistics | Render statistics about all volunteer activity | all | | POST | /catch | Adds new volunteer activity (catch of the day) | authenticated | | GET | /calender | Renders calender | authenticated | | POST | /calender/:id | Add entry in the calender | authenticated | | PUT | /calender/:id | Edit entry in the calender | authenticated | | DELETE | /calender/:id | Delete entry in the calender | authenticated | | POST | /authentication/sign-up | Sign Up | all | | POST | /authentication/sign-in | Sign In | all | | DELETE | /authentication/sign-out | Sign Out | authenticated | | GET | /settings | Get settings for current account (e-mail) | authenticated |



| NAME | DESCRIPTION | | Home | ?? - to be decided | Event location google maps | SignUp | Show sign up form + User google maps pin | SignIn | Show sign in form | Settings | Allow viewers to change account settings (username, e-mail, password) | | FrogCounter | Shows form to fill in the collected frogs & toads | | PersonalStatistics | Shows statistics about the user's volunteer activity (for volunteer and organizer) -> statistics per day / per week / since the beginning of the season / of all times + gamification | | GlobalStatistics | Shows statistics about all volunteer activities | Google maps all users -> statistics per day / per week / since the beginning of the season / of all times | | Calender | Displays calender | | Calender entry | Shows form for volunteers to register in the calender | | Calender editing | Update or delete an entry |

  • instant notification / npm package ?

Google maps api Home -> Event location pinned Statistics -> All user pins Sign-up -> Set user pin


  • General info (static)

  • social media (post your score on Facebook / Twitter)

  • picture gallery

  • gamification / trophy


  • what should be displayed in the home view? General info if not authenticated and general info + personal statistics if authenticated? Same sign-up for volunteer and organizer?
  • how to block people that register as an organizer but are not organizers? => create it in the API directly
  • do we need the organizer profile? What should an organizer do that the volunteer can't? => no organizer profile
  • should volunteers be able to see the profile of others? => no


  • mobile first
  • colors: Background: EDECE9 (whiteish) Primary: 95C60A (green) Secondary: FFC02B (yellow) fonts: 1F1604 (dark brown) // or white?


Jamie ==> notifications / admin model Gregor ==> google maps api / user table + status Amélie ==> statistics / push to heroku & netlify