
Simple calculator developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTML


Simple calculator developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript

------------FOR LIVE WORKING OF THIS PROJECT VISIT THIS LINK HERE------------------------------


  1. Normal structured html file containing only outer div having:
  • containing calculator's display(dark green).
  • containing button div having numerous buttons and arranged row wise.

// CSS

  1. Outer div's display set to flex.
  • arranged flex-direction as row(for row wise alignment of buttons).
  1. Calculator display designed to avoid overflow of contents by text wrapping.
  • Color setting and size alignment.
  • Contents of display aligned to right side.
  1. Buttons set with color, uniquely for "0" button and same for other button to replicate real-life calculator.
  2. Hover effect created for all buttons to show effects like box-shadow, radial-gradient coloring.
  3. On click setting button shadow to none for clicking effect.


  1. Extracting content through:
  • getElementById
  • querySelectorAll
  1. Creating variable like operands and operator.
  2. EventListener added on click of buttons.
  3. Calculation is done through built in function "eval(operand1 + " " +operator+ " " + operand2)".
  4. Evaluation is done using if else statements of different operators(can be improved to switch statements).
  5. On click of AC button to clear content of display.