
Simple page shows the share houses in Taiwan.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Share Houses Map

The web page shows the share houses in Taipei; hosted on Firebase. See the page.

Data Schema

// collection companies
  "name":   "",
  "web":    "https://...",
  "update": new Date() // last update time

// collection houses
  "address":    "",
  "company":    {},    // firebase.firestore.DocumentReference
  "extra_fees": false, // true: yes, false: no extra fee or already included
  "location":   new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(latitude, longitude),
  "rooms": [
      "gender": 0,    // 0: women, 1: men, 2: not specified
      "people": 2,    // how many people per room
      "price":  6000, // how much money per person
      "type":   1     // 0: rent by bed, 1: rent by room
  "title": "" // the house name

What's Missing

To build the site, you need to get your Firebase configuration and Google Maps API key.