
Exception notification for Javascript errors made simple

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The JsExceptionNotifier gem detects JS exceptions with TraceKit and sends notifications via email using Exception Notification gem. The TraceKit is attached by default.


  • Ruby 2.0.0 or greater

  • Rails 4.0 or greater

  • Exception Notification gem

  • TraceKit(included in package)

Getting Started

Add the following line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem "js_exception_notifier", :git => "git://github.com/shorelabs/js-exception-notifier.git"

That’s it, the configuration ends up here.


Add the following line at the beginning of the javascript file

javascript_include_tag "js_exception_notifier.js"

Or just include files within the asset pipeline:

//= require js_exception_notifier

Usage when serving JS from CDN

Due to a potential security issue, browsers traditionally don’t provide access to error data if the script violates the same-origin policy. Instead, browsers just report a meaningless Script error on line 0, with no additional data.

If you are serving your javascript assets through a CDN (Cloudfront for eg), you need to

  • have HTTP CORS headers (not covered here)

  • load your JS with a crossorigin tag to enable error reporting

The latter is done with

javascript_include_tag "js_exception_notifier.js", crossorigin: 'anonymous'

Or if js_exception_notifier is added to the asset pipeline

javascript_include_tag "application", crossorigin: 'anonymous'

JsExceptionNotifier comes with a dummy app:

cd test/dummy && rails s