
[MASI] A small project to showcase security with the vernam cipher

Primary LanguagePython

SDA 2023-2024

MASI course asset "Sécurité des Applications". Topic on frequency analysis.

Getting started

Install the requirements with the follwoing commands:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the CLI

As stated in the documentation, the CLI has several options. You can visualize them by running the CLI with the following command :

$ python vernam.py --help

Several commands are available, with their batch of options. Please carefully read the docs before using.

⚠️ In regard to the instructions of this exercise, a slight difference is to be noted. The parameters --encrypt and --decrypt are not parameters in this version of the program. Wich means you should use them with the -- !


The used command to validate the encryption feature is python vernam.py encrypt --in ./resources/input/encrypt/plain.txt --out ./resources/output/cipher.txt --key mykey.


The used command to validate the decryption feature is python vernam.py decrypt --in ./resources/input/decrypt/cipher.txt --out ./resources/output/plain.txt --key mykey.


The used command to validate the attack feature is python vernam.py attack --in ./resources/input/attack/cipher.txt --out ./resources/output/plain_attack.txt (the key was mykey, length of 5).

The used command to validate the attack feature with a bigger key is python vernam.py attack --in ./resources/input/attack/cipher_biggerkey.txt --out ./resources/output/plain_biggerkey.txt (the key was loremipsum, length of 10).

The used command to validate the attack feature with a bigger key is python vernam.py attack --in ./resources/input/attack/cipher_biggerkeytoo.txt --out ./resources/output/plain_biggerkeytoo.txt (the key was salutlesamis, length of 12).


We determined that bigger the text, bigger the key can be. But if we use a bigger key, the text must be bigger too otherwise the algorithm is gonna miscalculate the key thus resolving into unreadable plain text.

Nom du fichier Nom du fichier chiffré Clé employée Taille du texte (en caractères) Taille de la clé (en caractères) Résultat de l'attaque
plain.txt cipher.txt mykey 2687 5 OK
plain.txt cipher_biggerkey.txt loremipsum 2687 10 NOK (trouve 9/10 caractères de la clé)
plain.txt cipher_biggerkeytoo.txt salutlesamis 2687 12 NOK (trouve 9/12 caractères de la clé)
plain_biggest.txt cipher_biggest.txt mykey 6634 5 OK
plain_biggest.txt cipher_biggest_biggerkey.txt loremipsum 6634 10 OK
plain_biggest.txt cipher_biggest_biggerkeytoo.txt salutlesamis 6634 12 NOK (complètement)

result plain.txt result 1 plain_biggest.txt result 2 plain_biggest.txt


etu45363 - ARTS Loïck etu33784 - DEVRESSE Tinaël