
Is an invoice app that uses Atlas Search for auto complete search and fuzzy search

Primary LanguageCSS



Is an invoice app that you create your invoices, update and delete your invoices from a single dashboard, See all your profit, income, loss and expense of this month and for the last month. Give your clients special prices Create users and authorize them for certain Roles.

To visit this webpage click the title.

  • inside the webpage navigate to corporate and sign in with:
  • username: admin
  • password: admin

Technologies Used:

How do I deploy this?

With Railway.app!

Thing to learn from this project

  • How to create REST API's.
  • Connect with your MongoDB Atlas Instance.
  • Use Atlas search for auto complete search And fuzzy search.
  • Create invoice page with dynamic user inputs.
  • Keep track of user dynamic inputs with Event bubbling.
  • Authenticate Users using Passport.js
  • Authorize users.
  • Use connect-flash to flash users with error and success messages.

New Invoice View Invoice Clients Summary