
Simple and useful python code snippet for sublime text

MIT LicenseMIT

Python Snippets

I was missing some necessary code snippets of python in Sublime Text, so i decided to make my own. and i think it can also help other people who use Sublime Text as their primary code editor.

Key Features:

  • Conditional statements
  • loops
  • classes
  • lambda
  • uitlities

Example snippet

Triger : class

class ClassName(object) :
    def __init__(self, arg):
        super(ClassName, self).__init__()
        self.arg = arg
    def function(param):


Step 1:

git clone https://github.com/Hunter87ff/py-sublime-snippet

Step 2:
Copy the folder and past it in this directory sublime-text/packages/User/snippets/


For more info you can visit the docs here : Documentation