Tools for spark which we use on the daily basis. It contains:
- Loader of HDFS files with combining small files (uses Hadoop CombineFileInputFormat)
- Future: cosine calculation
- Future: Quantile calculation
#Requirements This library was succeffully tested with CDH 5.1.2 and Spark 1.1.0. You should install SBT:
#Build This build based on CDH 5.1.2 and Spark 1.1.0. Edit build.sbt If you have another environment.
For building install sbt, launch a terminal, change current to sparkmultitool directory and launch a command:
sbt package
sbt test
Next copy spark-multitool*.jar from ./target/scala-2.10/... to the lib folder of your sbt project.
#Usage Include spark-multitool*.jar in --jars path in spark-submit like this:
spark-submit --master local --executor-memory 2G --class "Tst" --num-executors 1 --executor-cores 1 --jars lib/spark-multitool_2.10-0.1.jar target/scala-2.10/tst_2.10-0.1.jar
See examples folder.
##Loaders ru.retailrocket.spark.multitool.Loaders - combine input files before mappers by means of Hadoop CombineFileInputFormat. In our case it reduced the number of mappers from 100000 to approx 3000 and made job significantly faster. Parameters:
- path - path to the files (as in spark.textFile)
- size - size of target partition in Megabytes. Optimal value equals to a HDFS block size
- delim - line delimiters
This example loads files from "/test/*" and combine them in mappers.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import ru.retailrocket.spark.multitool.Loaders._
object Tst{
def main(args: Array[String]) ={
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("My App")
val sc = new SparkContext("local", "My App")
val path = "file:///test/*"
val sessions = sc.combineTextFile(path)
// or val sessions = sc.combineTextFile(path, size = 256, delim = "\n")
// where size is split size in Megabytes, delim - line break string
// or via new API
val sessions = sc.forPath(path)
.setSplitSize(256) // optional
.setRecordDelim("\n") // optional
// you can also get RDD[(String, String)] with (file, line)
val sessions = sc.forPath(path)
// or add path filter, e.g. for partitioning
class FileNameEqualityFilter extends Filter {
def check(rules: Traversable[Filter.Rule], path: Array[String]) = {
case(k, Array(eq)) =>
k match {
case "file" => eq == path.last
case _ => false
val sessions = sc.forPath(path)
.addFilter(classOf[FileNameEqualityFilter], Seq("file" -> Array("")))
ru.retailrocket.spark.multitool.algs.cosine - cosine similarity function.
ru.retailrocket.spark.multitool.HashFNV - simple, but useful hash function. Original idea from org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.string.HashFNV