
Implementation of https://honeybadger.notion.site/Take-home-project-for-Software-Developer-position-2023-fee9be3cd8454e1fb61e53f0172ff2e8

Primary LanguageGo

Honeybadger Assignment

Code of Interest

  1. main.go - Server setup and route handling.
  2. slack/sendMessage.go - Interactions with the slack api
  3. experiment/main.go - Just a test of the slack api

How to setup and run

  1. Run git clone git@github.com:HunterHeston/badger-slack.git.
  2. Create an .env file based on .env.example at the project root.
  3. You may need to run go get to install dependencies.
  4. Run go run . from the root directory.
  5. In another terminal run either of the commands from the "Testing" section.

Slack api key setup

I found these steps and was able to get it working. Your milage may very.

  1. Go to the Slack API website.
  2. Click on the "Create New App" button to create a new Slack app.
  3. Choose a name and a workspace for your app.
  4. In the "Add features and functionality" section, click on "Bots" and add a new bot user to your app.
  5. In the "Install App" section, click on the "Install App to Workspace" button to install your app in your workspace.
  6. After installation, you'll be redirected to a page with your Slack API token. Copy this token and store it securely.


  • echo framework for Go.
  • slack-go a community maintained slack API as a library.
  • dotenv parse and process .env files.


Quick and dirty testing to start:

Payload that sends the notification:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/record \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "RecordType": "Bounce",
    "MessageStream": "outbound",
    "Type": "SpamNotification",
    "TypeCode": 512,
    "Name": "Spam notification",
    "Tag": "",
    "Description": "The message was delivered, but was either blocked by the user, or classified as spam, bulk mail, or had rejected content.",
    "Email": "zaphod@example.com",
    "From": "notifications@honeybadger.io",
    "BouncedAt": "2023-02-27T21:41:30Z"

Payload that does not sends the notification:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:3000/record \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "RecordType": "Bounce",
    "MessageStream": "outbound",
    "Type": "HardBounce",
    "TypeCode": 1,
    "Name": "Hard bounce",
    "Tag": "Test",
    "Description": "The server was unable to deliver your message (ex: unknown user, mailbox not found).",
    "Email": "arthur@example.com",
    "From": "notifications@honeybadger.io",
    "BouncedAt": "2019-11-05T16:33:54.9070259Z"