
In this project, you'll create visualizations to reveal insights from a data set. You will create data visualizations that tell a story or highlight patterns in the data set. Your work should be a reflection of the theory and practice of data visualization, such as visual encodings, design principles, and effective communication.


Project Description

Master data fundamentals applicable to any industry and learn to make data-driven decisions. From collecting and analyzing data to modeling business scenarios, students will learn Excel, SQL, and Tableau, utilizing data visualization skills to communicate findings.

3 parts to complete the course

Part 1 Descriptive statistics

Project: Analyze NYSE DATA

  • Learn the basic concepts of data analysis and descriptive statistics. Learn how to manipulate, analyze, and visualize data in Excel and Google Sheets. Learn about business metrics across a wide range of business areas (marketing, sales, growth, and finance). Finally, learn about forecasting sales and financial metrics.

Part 2 Using SQL for Data Analysis

Project: Digital Music Store

  • Learn how to execute core SQL commands to define, select, manipulate, control access, aggregate, and join data and data tables. Understand when and how to use subqueries, several window functions, and partitions to

  • complex tasks. Clean data, optimize SQL queries and write select advanced JOINs to enhance analysis performance. Explain which cases you would want to use particular SQL commands and apply the results from queries to address business problems.

Part 3 Data Visualization in Tableau

Project: Tableau Data Visualization

  • Select the most appropriate data visualization for an analysis. Learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of data visualization and build interactive and engaging Tableau dashboards.


This program is offered by Udacity: https://www.udacity.com/course/business-analytics-nanodegree--nd098