Getting Started

First your need to install (most) of our dependencies:

nvm use
npm run initialize

And add a new file to packages/api_server/.env with the following data.


Afterwards you should verify that everything installed correctly by building the project. This has the added benefit of populating our build caches for more streamlined development.

npm run build

If that worked, we can start the local development workflow! First you'll need to setup a mongodb instance for the backend to persist data (the following steps will require manually installing docker and mongosh).

docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo --replSet rs0

Once running, initiate the replica set and configure mongosh to use our database (named "sadboi").


> rs.initiate()
> use sadboi

Last but not least, you'll need to publish our db indices to mongo:

cd packages/api_server
npx prisma db push

Done! Now you're prepared to run

npm run dev

This command will watch the filesystem, automatically restarting the api_server when new changes are available and will hot-reload the frontend.

Frontend: http://localhost:5173 API Server: http://localhost:4000/graphql

Code Quality

Each package as well as the root package support the commands lint and lint:fix. For former will check for style conformance, the latter will auto-format your code to comply with the linter. Please auto-format all code before committing.

npm run lint:fix

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