
Watch provides a clean, obvious syntax for managing events within Roblox Lua code.

Primary LanguageLua


Work In Progress: Version 0.2.0 (Beta)

Watch provides a clean, obvious syntax for managing events within Roblox Lua code.

  • Eventing-made-easy with 4 way event communication.
    • Server > Server
    • Server > Client
    • Client > Server
    • Client > Client
  • Supports FilteringEnabled, Experimental, and Studio Solo Play
  • Watch the properties of any Table for changes!
  • Watch your own synthetic objects fire synthetic events!
  • No need to create RemoteEvents!!!


  1. Create a new ModuleScript in ServerScriptService
  2. Rename the ModuleScript to Watch
  3. Copy the contents of Watch.lua into your ModuleScript and Save.

To use Watch in your Scripts/LocalScripts:

    local ServerScriptService = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
    local Watch = require(ServerScriptService:WaitForChild('Watch'))

Sample Game with Examples (no copylock) [https://www.roblox.com/games/994624803/Watch-Module-for-Roblox-Development]

Jasmine-inspired syntax

  • Type it like you say it
  • Easy to remember, fast to type
  ----[ Synthetic Event Example ]----
  -- Make up a name for the thing to watch
  local state = Watch('State')
  -- Name the event to listen to
  local stateChange = state:On('Change')
  -- attach event handler
  stateChange:Do(function (state) print(state) end)
  -- Easy way to write the same thing in one line...
  Watch('State'):On('Change'):Do(function (state) print(state) end)
  -- Pro-Tip #1: Method names *On* and *Do* are **optional**
  -- Pro-Tip #2: This form is not recommended, unless you understand why it works
  Watch('State')('Change')(function (state) print(state) end)
  -- Fire the event
  Watch('State'):Fire('change', 'someValue')
  -- Prints 'someValue'

Watch is designed to combine coding efficiency with common grammatical constructs.

  • Always Watch a Noun (*optionally pass a Table to Watch after the Name)

    • local player = Watch('Player')
    • local data = Watch('DataStore')
    • local ray = Watch('FreezeRay')
    • ----------------------TABLE EXAMPLE----------------------
    • local p1 = Watch('Player1', {name='Player1', health=100})
  • Always On a Verb [Note: On is short for Upon]

    • local onRun = player:On('Run')
    • local onData = data:On('Update')
    • local onHit = ray:On('Hit')
    • -----------TABLES TEND TO BREAK THE VERB RULE-----------
    • local onHealthChange = p1:On('health')
  • Always Do a Function

    • local playSoundId = onRun:Do(function() runSound.Play() end)
    • local updateTxtId = onData:Do(function(txt) script.Parent.Text=txt end)
    • local hitHandlerId = onHit:Do(function(effect) session.status=effect end)
    • ----------------------TABLE EXAMPLE----------------------
    • local p1HealthId = onHealthChange:Do(function (v, k) print(k..' is '..v) end)
  • Always Fire, FireOnce, or FireAcross a Verb

    • player:Fire('Run')
    • data:FireAcross('Update', 'Data!')
    • ray:FireOnce('Hit', 'frozen')
    • p1.health = '90'

Four Ways to Fire Events

  1. Watch(Noun):Fire(Verb, Args)
    • Fire - fires the event on both Client & Server
  2. Watch(Noun):FireAcross(Verb, Args)
    • FireAcross - fires the event to the other side only
    • Client fires across to Server OR Server fires across to Client
  3. Watch(Noun):FireOnce(Verb, Args)
    • FireOnce - fires the event to the same side only
    • Client fires to Client OR Server fires to Server
  4. Watch(Noun, Table)
    • Returns a proxy table.
    • Changing the proxy updates the original table.
    • 'Get' and 'Set' fire events for watched properties only.
    • local foo = table.prop fires a 'Get' event
    • table.prop = 'foo' fires a 'Set' event
    • Event handlers receive 3 arguments on 'Get', 4 on 'Set'
    • Arguments, in order, are value, key, accessType, oldValue
      • value = the current value in the table
      • key = the property name of the table
      • accessType = the string 'Get' or 'Set'
      • oldValue = passed on 'Set', the value before it was changed


...more to come!