
A tool records UWB & VIO localization data on iOS devices

Primary LanguageSwift



  • Design an iOS application to record UWB and VIO localization data between two users simultaneously and monitor some environmental conditions like lighting, which could be a useful tool for further research.
  • Compare VIO and UWB localization under different contexts to prove the effectiveness of the app tool.
  • Integrate UWB and VIO localization data using kalman filtering when user shake the device, improving localization accuracy under such condition.

Getting started


  • Python 3.0 or above
  • Xcode 14.0 or above
  • Two iOS devices with iOS version 16.0 or higher (Nearby Interaction requirement)


  • UarLogger_Demo: iOS application section
  • python: backend analysis and kalman filter script


  • 0.0.1
    • Initial Release
  • 0.0.2
    • Added File System

Tutorial & Remarks


  • Login your Apple account and choose that as your team
  • Setting Bundle Identifier to the form of com.xxx.yyy or com.xxx.yyy.zzz


Data Extration from iOS Devices to Mac or Other PCs

  • Step 1: Connect iOS device and PC by data cable
  • Step 2: Open Window - Device and Simulators menu
  • Step 3: Find your connected devices, in the INSTALLED APPS section, select UarLogger demo
  • Step 4: Choose Download Container option below and find the directory to save.
  • Step 5: There might be a lot of complicate data folders using dynamic sandbox storage, the folder's name is begin with starting time of recording, such as "2024-02-22T13-33-53xxx".


Visualization Menu & File System

  • Delete Data Button: Delete all recording files.
  • Clear Button: Clear AR objects that user created.
  • Files Button: Show files recorded in the iOS device.
  • Rounded Recording Button: Start / End recording
  • Flashlight Icon: Open / Close flashlight
  • Environmental Panel: Environmental conditions demonstration panel
  • Files Recorded in the Application:
    • ar_data.csv file: UWB & VIO localization data
    • .txt file: IMU data, not used yet at backend



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