Grupo-C1I-022019 -- ViandasYa -- BackEnd
Repository for Software Development class UNQ - 2019 Backend
Backend Deploy
Some Api examples
You can see the api deployed on heroku by requesting on
This are some Api calls you can make:
- GET /users?page=0&size=10
- GET /menus
- GET /purchases
- POST /client or /provider
- POST /menu
- POST /purchase
- POST /setScore
- POST /makePurchase/{id}
How to run the server app on your local machine
Open a bash-shell like Git Bash.
Go to Grupo-C1I-022019 with cd Grupo-C1I-022019/
Run the commands
mvn install
mvn spring-boot:run
What we've learned
- Spring Boot workflow and usage
- i18n
- React (+ state management)
- Aspects
Members | GitHub | |
Federico Martinez | fedejmartinez | |
Tomás Hurrell | HurrellT | |