An amazing open-source Discord bot using MongoDB with many features such as a customizable prefix, a reaction menu, music, role requirement giveaways and much more!
- 0zul@pixbotdiscord
- 144reasonsan abandoned nuclear missile silo
- 47PADO47Italy
- alecfarmer
- alexander1845
- anajuliadiscordFagulha Empresas
- Anogh297Dhaka, Bangladesh
- aspekts@Yarn-Development
- DaveFeed
- DeltaCoderrMumbai, India
- DhananjayAgarwal01Thane, Maharashtra
- DragonizedpizzaZurich, Switzerland
- DuosOptimos
- Easy-Nice
- empressofcursesIndia
- EmpTheSalamander
- gonzyuiMontpellier, France
- GroovyGabSantiago De Chile
- Hiekki4@EveCloud
- IfTrueReturnTrueMelbourne High School
- KeNzA676
- lucatoltonunited kingdom
- Militia21@HurricanoBot
- MotoAcidic
- MrPerfectShot
- Nakshatra0707
- nicolito128Argentina
- nullikxyzNowhere
- oadpoawMetro Manila, Philippines
- PaimonWheeWheeSpringvale, Mondstadt
- Simpleboy353@NovaTechOrg @Deejay-Bot @bot-tts
- SirLink23Lyon
- superzackxLitGrades
- theniceguyireallyam
- tomihad-ul-aibakNONE
- ZeroDiscordPrivate