
COMP 20 Spring 2016 Private Repo for Aditya Hurry

Primary LanguageHTML

Aditya Hurry

What is this repo?

The subsections of this repo are various assignments I completed during Comp20, the Tufts Web Development course.

Which is my favorite?

Landmarks, by far. But, not the front end side of it - writing the server side is what interested me most: interacting with the mongo instance running on my herokuapp, parsing that data, and accepting user data.

How far I've come...

Coming into this class, I had only the most bare knowledge of html and css - javascript and server-side programming were non-existent in my head. Comparatively, I'm now comfortable with all of the above, with a rudimentary understanding of security concerns and nodejs server management, as well as knowing my way around tools like heroku and mongodb.

Where do I want to go from here?

Delve deeper into issues of security and web engineering - familiarize myself with other professional frameworks such as angular, react, bootstrap, maybe php?