Web50x Iraq Challenge #1

Rules & Guidelines

  • Freedom of choice, any language, tool, or stack.
  • Maximum team size is 4 people.
  • The submission should have a readme.md file with a list of tech, libs, and any 3rd party APIs/tools used.


Create a website displays COVID-19 status of Iraq


  • Fetch data from this API
  • Query the API above and return list of daily updates in Iraq as JSON
  • For example:
"Iraq": [

      "date": "2020-3-14",
      "confirmed": 110,
      "deaths": 10,
      "recovered": 26
      "date": "2020-3-15",
      "confirmed": 116,
      "deaths": 10,
      "recovered": 26
      "date": "2020-3-16",
      "confirmed": 124,
      "deaths": 10,
      "recovered": 26
  • Display this JSON in HTML page (you can use Table, Chart or Calendar )
  • Style the page
  • Make it responsive
  • Push the source code to your github account (add your team as contibuters)
  • Deploy the project to github pages, surge.sh, Heroku, or now.sh (Optional)


Duration: 10 Days

From: 17-03-2020

To: 27-03-2020