
smsup.ch API integration for Laravel 8+

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

SmsUp.ch API Integration for Laravel 8+


Install Package

You can install this package via composer:

composer require husnet/laravel-smsupch


Add your SmsUp API key to your config/services.php file:

return [   
    'smsUpCh' => [
         'token' => env('SMSUPCH_TOKEN'),
         'simulate' => env('SMSUPCH_SIMULATE'), // true or false
         'sender' => env('SMSUPCH_SENDER_NAME', config('app.name')),

Set simulate to true if you want to simulate submitting messages, it's perfect for testing and debugging, it has no cost.


Using Laravel Notification

Use artisan to create a notification:

php artisan make:notification someNotification

Return [smsUpCh] in the public function via($notifiable) method of your notification:

public function via($notifiable)
    return ['smsUpCh'];

Add the method public function toSmsUp($notifiable) to your notification, and return an instance of SmsUpChMessage:

use Husnet\LaravelSmsUpCh\SmsUpChMessage;
public function toSmsUpCh($notifiable)
    $message = new SmsUpChMessage();
    return $message;

If you don't indicate the parameter to, make sure your notifiable entity has routeNotificationForSmsUpCh method defined:

 * Route notifications for the SmsUp channel.
 * @return string
public function routeNotificationForSmsUpCh(): string
    return $this->phone;

Using SmsUp Facade

Send messages

use Husnet\LaravelSmsUpCh\SmsUpChMessage;
use Husnet\LaravelSmsUpCh\Facades\SmsUpCh;
    try {
        $phone_owner->notify(new ClientNotification($message_text));
    catch (\Exception $e) {
        session()->flash('error', __('Error: SMS API Timeout'));

Available Events

LaravelSmsUp comes with handy events which provides the required information about the SMS messages.

Messages Was Sent

Triggered when one or more messages are sent.


use Husnet\LaravelSmsUpCh\Events\SmsUpChMessageWasSent;

class SmsUpMessageSentListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  SmsUpChMessageWasSent  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(SmsUpChMessageWasSent $event)
        $response = $event->response; // Class SmsUpResponse
        $message = $event->message; // Class SmsUpMessage

        // flashing to session
        session()->flash('message.to', $message->getTo());
        session()->flash('message.text', $message->getText());

        session()->flash('response.status', $response->getStatus());
        session()->flash('response.message', $response->getMessage());
        session()->flash('response.credits', $response->getCredits());
        session()->flash('response.invalid', $response->getInvalid());


In your EventServiceProvider:

protected $listen = [
        'Husnet\LaravelSmsUpCh\Events\SmsUpChMessageWasSent' => [

SmsUp.ch API Documentation

Visit SmsUp.ch API Documentation for more information.


Feel free to post your issues in the issues section.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.