
This API is supposed to return the html tag of a given string from a given website using Python

Primary LanguagePython

Python Web Scrape API

[REMARK]: This is the first version, it houses most of the commits,

the second version is here: https://github.com/Husayn-Esmail/CleanCodePythonWebScrapeAPI The second version is the best version and has changes that are not in this repository and that do affect functionality. It was split into two versions because I was unhappy with the way I wrote what was in this respository in regards to variable names and documentation. That being said, I usually don't do this, it just happened to work out better with the second repository and I am much happier with the result.

This API is supposed to return the HTML element that contains a given text string on a given web page. The API has an endpoint that takes the URL and text search string as arguments and stores them in a database. If a query already exists in the database, then it should return the stored value rather than re-scraping the website. If the web page has more than one matching element, then the last element should be returned from the API.

I have decided to use fastapi because I think it will be faster than django This API is written in python and has been written by Husayn Esmail. I also decided to use sqlite because while it would be better to use postgres for production, I did not intend to use it for production. In any case, switching to postgres should be relatively easy if that is desired. I opted against using a file to store data because files get messy.

The due date for this project is May 11, 2022.

LIMITATIONS: The limitations of this project is that it cannot handle infinite scrolling websites, and it cannot reach into iframes. As of May 6, 2022 it also can't deal with javascript intensive websites, but I'm working on that and hopefully it will be completed by the due date.

To start the virtual environment: source pyapi/bin/activate

To leave the virtual environment: deactivate

Once you've entered the virtual environment, you can start the API with start.sh. NOTE: If running outside the virtual environment, this will only work if you've installed the required dependencies, but since the virtual environment has been uploaded as well, the dependencies should come with it.

Check requirements.txt for the necessary libraries to run this API. To install packages from requirements.txt run the following command pip3 install -r requirements.txt

A few other things to note: ignore scrape.py, I wanted to track it's history but it was really just for testing the scraping functionality in isolation. Also ignore crud.py, it is not being used and was a part of a previous attempt.

Explanation of other files: database.py holds the code which runs the database
main.py houses all the main functionality including the app and endpoints
models.py holds python representations of the table in the database
schemas.py holds the code that validates type before information is entered to database
services.py is the gateway between main.py and the database
tagselect.db is the database
templates is a folder holding the html for the api endpoints
form.html the code for the api interface
landing.html is the code for the root path
static holds css files
stylesheet.css has styles for form.html