
Introduction to flutter packages: This repo will teach you some of the popular packages that are available in pub.dev, & how to use them for UI design.

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Package of the Day

Introduction to flutter packages: This repo will teach you some of the popular packages that are available in pub.dev, & how to use them for fast application development.
Playlist URLs:
YouTube: provider
YouTube: image_picker
YouTube: shimmer
YouTube: shared_preferences
YouTube: geolocator
YouTube: url_launcher
YouTube: webview_flutter
YouTube: video_player
YouTube: responsive_framework
YouTube: introduction_screen
YouTube: confetti
YouTube: connectivity_plus
YouTube: flutter_hooks

Packages List:

  1. Avatar Glow > StatelessWidget
  2. Google Fonts
  3. Liquid pull to Refresh > StatelessWidget > LiquidPullToRefresh > ListView
  4. Percent Indicator
  5. Carousel Slider > slideTransform: const CubeTransform() > CircularSlideIndicator
  6. Smooth Page Indicator > SmoothPageIndicator > (controller: _controller,count: 4) > JumpingDotEffect
  7. Font Awesome Flutter > FaIcon > FontAwesomeIcons.arrowUp
  8. Animations > Container transform
  9. Neon > text > color > fontSize > font: NeonFont.Cyberpunk > flickeringText: true
  10. Aurora > backgroundColor: Colors.black > Aurora > size > color list
  11. Flutter Swiper > itemCount > autoplay: true > autoplayDelay > Card
    Require a model.dart > BannerImageModel >
  12. Flutter Blurhash > BlurHash > hash (String) > image (from network)
  13. Flutter SVG > Container > SvgPicture.asset() or SvgPicture.network()
  14. Flutter Custom Clipper >
  15. Flutter TTS > StatefulWidget
  16. Flutter Highlight
  17. Syncfusion Charts
  18. Rflutter Alert > ElevatedButton > child > Alert > (context, title, desc).show()
  19. Settings UI > SettingsList > sections:[] > SettingsSection > SettingsTile
  20. Flutter Spinkit > SpinKitRotatingCircle(color: Colors.redAccent)
  21. Audioplayers > AudioCache audioCache > late AudioPlayer player > void playAudio() > void stopAudio()
  22. Go Router > MaterialApp.router > routeInformationParser: _router.routeInformationParser > routerDelegate: _router.routerDelegate
  23. HTTP > watch this YouTube video
  24. Onboarding > onboardingPagesList > PageModel > widget > Column > Container >
  25. Flutter Neumorphic > Github
  26. Math Expressions > Input type is string
  27. Clay Containers > ClayContainer > color > height >width
  28. Day Night Switcher > DayNightSwitcher / DayNightSwitcherIcon > dayBackgroundColor > isDarkModeEnabled > onStateChanged
  29. Provider > MultiProvider > ChangeNotifierProvider > create: (_) => Counter() > child: MyHomePage()
    class Counter with ChangeNotifier > notifyListeners();
  30. Feather Icons > Icon(FeatherIcons.aperture)
  31. Flutter Swipable > Swipable > child: Container()
  32. Image Picker > watch the video, or read the documentation for iOS support.
  33. Convex Bottom Bar > read the code
  34. Intro Slider > read the code
  35. Parallax Animation > ParallaxWidget > child: > background: > Image.asset
  36. Flutter Staggered Grid View > GridView.custom > gridDelegate > pattern
  37. Shimmer > watch this video
  38. Lottie > make an animation controller for controlling the state of the animation
  39. Shared Preferences > watch this video
  40. Day Night Time Picker > TimeOfDay _time = TimeOfDay.now().replacing(hour: 11, minute: 30); > Navigator.of(context).push(showPicker())
  41. Device Info Plus > deviceInfo() async{} > DeviceInfoPlugin deviceInfo = DeviceInfoPlugin(); > IosDeviceInfo iosInfo = await deviceInfo.iosInfo; > setState((){})
  42. Geolocator > LocationPermission permission > await Geolocator.requestPermission() > Geolocator.getCurrentPosition()
  43. Glass Kit > GlassContainer.clearGlass > height > width > child
  44. URL Launcher > MaterialButton > onPressed: () async > if (await canLaunch(_url)) > else
  45. Webview Flutter > WebView > javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted > initialUrl: 'https://amazon.com' > onWebViewCreated: (controller){}
  46. Responsive Sizer > ResponsiveSizer( builder: (context, orientation, screenType) { return: Center()}) > height: 20.h > width: 20.w
  47. Video Player > watch the video
  48. Responsive Framework > builder: (context, widget) => ResponsiveWrapper.builder() > ResponsiveBreakpoint > ResponsiveRowColumn() > ResponsiveVisibility() > ResponsiveValue()
  49. Timelines > Timeline.tileBuilder > TimelineTileBuilder.fromStyle
  50. Just Audio > check the code
  51. Persistent Bottom Nav Bar > check the code
  52. Equatable > class User extends Equatable > List< Object?> get props => [name, urlImage];
  53. Web Scraper > read documentation
  54. Introduction Screen > next > done > onDone > pages
  55. Cube Transition Plus > Navigator.of(context).push > CubePageRoute() > enterPage: const SecondScreen() > exitPage: this > duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 900)
  56. Horizontal Data Table > read code
  57. Confetti > bool isPlaying = false > final controller = ConfettiController()
  58. Chewie > final VideoPlayerController videoPlayerController > final bool looping > late ChewieController _chewieController > Chewie(controller: _chewieController,)
  59. Get It > GetIt getIt = GetIt.instance > getIt.registerSingleton< AppModel>(AppModelImplementation(), signalsReady: true) > FutureBuilder > future: getIt.allReady()
  60. Overlay Support > showSimpleNotification() > Text("simple notification") > background: Colors.green
  61. Connectivity Plus > late StreamSubscription subscription > subscription = Connectivity().onConnectivityChanged.listen((result) {showConnectivitySnackBar(context, result);}
  62. Flutter Hooks > class MyFlutterHooks extends HookWidget > final usernameController = useTextEditingController() > final passwordController = useTextEditingController()
  63. Path Provider > Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory(); > await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();

Table of Contents:

No. Name of the Package Package URL Screenshots
1 Avatar Glow avatar_glow: ^2.0.2
2 Google Fonts google_fonts: ^2.1.0
3 Liquid Pull To Refresh liquid_pull_to_refresh: ^3.0.0
4 Percent Indicator percent_indicator: ^3.4.0
5 Carousel Slider flutter_carousel_slider: ^1.0.8
6 Smooth Page Indicator smooth_page_indicator: ^1.0.0+2
7 Font Awesome Flutter font_awesome_flutter: ^9.2.0
8 Animations animations: ^2.0.2
9 Neon neon: ^0.1.0
10 Aurora aurora: ^1.0.0
11 Flutter Swiper flutter_swiper_null_safety: ^1.0.2
12 Flutter BlurHash flutter_blurhash: ^0.6.0
13 Flutter SVG flutter_svg: ^1.0.0
14 Flutter Custom Clipper flutter_custom_clippers: ^2.0.0
15 Flutter TTS flutter_tts: ^3.3.3
16 Flutter Highlight flutter_highlight: ^0.7.0
17 Syncfusion Charts syncfusion_flutter_charts: ^19.4.42
18 Rflutter Alert rflutter_alert: ^2.0.4
19 Settings UI flutter_settings_ui: ^2.0.1
20 Flutter Spinkit flutter_spinkit: ^5.1.0
21 Audio Players audioplayers: ^0.20.1
22 Go Router go_router: ^3.0.1
23 HTTP http: ^0.13.4
24 Onboarding onboarding: ^2.1.0
25 Flutter Neumorphic flutter_neumorphic: ^3.2.0
26 Math Expressions math_expressions: ^2.3.0
27 Clay Containers clay_containers: ^0.3.2
28 Day Night Switcher day_night_switcher: ^0.2.0+1
29 Provider provider: ^6.0.2
30 Feather Icons feather_icons: ^1.2.0
31 Flutter Swipable flutter_swipable: ^1.2.1
32 Image Picker image_picker: ^0.8.4+6
33 Convex Bottom Bar convex_bottom_bar: ^3.0.0
34 Intro Slider intro_slider: ^3.0.3
35 Parallax Animation parallax_animation: ^0.0.3
36 Flutter Staggered Grid View flutter_staggered_grid_view: ^0.6.1
37 Shimmer shimmer: ^2.0.0
38 Lottie lottie: ^1.2.1
39 Shared Preferences shared_preferences: ^2.0.13
40 Day Night Time Picker day_night_time_picker: ^1.0.5
41 Device Info Plus device_info_plus: ^3.2.2
42 Geolocator geolocator: ^8.2.0
43 Glass Kit glass_kit: ^2.0.1
44 URL Launcher url_launcher: ^6.0.20
45 Webview Flutter webview_flutter: ^3.0.1
46 Responsive Sizer responsive_sizer: ^3.0.5+1
47 Video Player video_player: ^2.2.19
48 Responsive Framework responsive_framework: ^0.1.7
49 Timelines timelines: ^0.1.0
50 Just Audio just_audio: ^0.9.20
51 Persistent BNb persistent_b_n_b: ^4.0.2
52 Equatable equatable: ^2.0.3
53 Web Scraper web_scraper: ^0.1.4
54 Introduction Screen introduction_screen: ^3.0.2
55 Cube Transition Plus cube_transition_plus: ^2.0.1
56 Horizontal Data Table horizontal_data_table: ^3.6.1+1
57 Confetti confetti: ^0.6.0
58 Chewie chewie: ^1.3.2
video_player: ^2.4.0
59 Get It get_it: ^7.2.0
60 Overlay Support overlay_support: ^1.2.1
61 Connectivity Plus connectivity_plus: ^2.3.0
overlay_support: ^1.2.1
62 Flutter Hooks flutter_hooks: ^0.18.3
63 Path Provider path_provider: ^2.0.9