Muslim Task

This is a Flutter project called "Muslim Task" that focuses on providing features related to Muslim practices and references. The project utilizes several packages to enhance its functionality. The main goal of the project is to optimize the app's performance, especially when dealing with large Quran surahs like El-Baqara that have a significant number of ayahs. The project might benefit from implementing a pagination technique to handle these large datasets efficiently.

Packages Used

The following packages are utilized in this Flutter project:

  • cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
  • flutter_screenutil: ^5.7.0
  • flutter_localization: ^0.1.12
  • flutter_svg: ^2.0.5
  • flutter_bloc: ^8.1.3
  • equatable: ^2.0.5
  • scrollable_positioned_list: ^0.3.8
  • get_it: ^7.6.0
  • hive: ^2.2.3
  • path_provider: ^2.0.15

Project Overview

The "Muslim Task" project aims to provide various features related to Muslim practices and references. It utilizes Flutter, a popular cross-platform framework, to build a mobile application that can run on both Android and iOS devices. The app offers functionality such as displaying Quran surahs, managing user preferences, and providing useful information related to Muslim practices.

Optimization Considerations

To ensure optimal performance, especially when dealing with large Quran surahs like El-Baqara, the project may require further optimization. Implementing pagination can be an effective technique to handle these extensive datasets more efficiently. By loading a specific number of ayahs at a time, the app can reduce memory usage and improve overall performance.


The "Muslim Task" Flutter project includes the following features:

  1. Two Screens:
  • The first screen consists of two lists.
  • The first list displays all the surahs of the Holy Quran.
  • When a user taps on a specific surah, it opens another screen to display its ayahs.
  • The second list displays the user's saved ayahs (bookmarks).
  1. Saving Ayahs:
  • Users can save ayahs to their bookmarks list by long-pressing on a specific ayah.
  • The bookmarked ayah is then added to the second list (bookmarks list).
  1. Reordering Bookmarks:
  • Users can rearrange their bookmarks list by dragging and moving the ayahs up or down.
  • This feature allows users to change the order of their bookmarked ayahs as desired.
  1. Quick Navigation:
  • In the bookmarks list, when a user taps on a bookmarked ayah, the app automatically navigates to the corresponding surah and focuses on the selected ayah.
  • This functionality enables users to quickly jump to a specific ayah within a surah.


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