This repository contains a dark theme for Jenkins.
To install this theme search for 'Dark theme' in your Jenkins update center.
Then go to the "Configure System" page, search for 'Built-in Themes' and select 'Dark (Respect OS/Browser system setting)'
or with the configuration-as-code plugin:
disableUserThemes: true
theme: "darkSystem" # use 'dark' for forcing the dark theme regardless of OS settings
Users can configure the theme from their user profile page, see the theme-manager documentation, for more information.
If you can't install this plugin for some reason you can use the Simple Theme Plugin.
See the plugin documentation for theme installation guidelines.
Note: replace 'tag-name' with the latest released version:
The CSS URLs are:<tag-name>/src/main/resources/io/jenkins/plugins/darktheme/theme.css<tag-name>/src/main/resources/io/jenkins/plugins/darktheme/theme-system.css
- theme.css - forces dark theme for all users
- theme-system.css - respects users system setting for dark / light mode, in most cases this is the theme you should be using
or with the configuration-as-code plugin:
- cssUrl:
url: "<tag-name>/theme-system.css"
#url: "<tag-name>/theme.css"
Main screen:
Build console:
The theme should be compatible with all modern browsers.
No version of IE will be supported.
This project is in active development and needs a recent version of Jenkins.
We will do our best to not break new versions of the theme against older supported versions of Jenkins.
To be safe you should use our published releases instead of relying on the master branch
- Introduction and first demo at the Jenkins UI/UX hackfest: video, slides
- Integration pull request with the changes: jenkinsci/jenkins#4752
Any contributions to the dark theme and compatibility are welcome! See for the contribution guidelines. And thanks to all contributors!
- The theme was created as a part of the Jenkins UI/UX Hackfest on May 25-29, 2020.
- The theme is inspired by the camalot/jenkins-dark-stylish theme, but it is a new theme created by scratch.