16KB 12 KB To-do list native Android application
Wait for gradle build to complete, gradle is a building system (tool) responsible for building all of the project in order to generate an apk (compile java, add xml, convert to dalvik code... => produce apk)
Normally it will start automatically, to make sure everything is okay: from menu => Build => Make Project (first item)
Java files:
- MainActivity
- Main activity of the app => to be launched when app starts
- It shows a list of to do items
- AddItemActivity
- Activity to add new item to the list
- Started from MainActivity when Add button is clicked
- MainActivity
Other files:
- Helper
- Contains helpers methods for
- Reading the items list from storage
- Adding new item to the list and save to storage
- Contains helpers methods for
- Helper
Screens in android (the view of the Activity) is represented by an XML file.
In res/layout/
there is a layout file for each activity
- activity_main contains:
- List view for the items
- Button to launch
- activity_add_item contains:
- EditText view to get the text from the user
- Button to save the new item