Adaptive video highlight detection


  • Python 3.6.9
  • PyTorch 1.2.0

Dataset and setup

  • Download and process the PHD-GIFs dataset.
  • See config/ for different experiment settings and parameters.
  • Fix the paths in config/ We store the list of train/val/test users and their video and histories path in .json files.
  • For each user, we store the video features in a .csv file and the user's history features in a .json file. For each element in the user's history, we consider the features of the segments that are indicated as highlights in the ground truth. See dataloader/ for details and update the paths for .csv and .json files for users.
  • Note that this codebase is a reimplementation. It is very likely that I may have made some mistakes during the process. However, I intend to fix them over time.
  • Below I provide example training and testing commands.


To train, run the following command:

python --hist_net attn


To test, run the following command:

python --hist -m ./checkpoints/adain-attn/ --hist_net attn