
Reproduce issue with special character in file name

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Issue With Question Mark Character (?) in File Name

Instructions and my environment


$ npx webpack --mode=production src/index\?.js

Insufficient number of arguments or no entry found.
Alternatively, run 'webpack(-cli) --help' for usage info.

Hash: 60097b724a24b823ebb9
Version: webpack 4.42.0
Time: 70ms
Built at: 03/17/2020 3:00:34 PM

ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can't resolve '<personal path>/webpack-demo/src/index?.js' in '<personal path>/webpack-demo'

My Environment

system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType

    System Software Overview:

      System Version: macOS 10.15.3 (19D76)
      Kernel Version: Darwin 19.3.0
$ node --version && npm --version