
Example for visualizing with pycortex?

csinva opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, thanks again for this wonderful dataset!

Apologies if this is a basic question but I have been struggling to visualize the results of the encoding model (specifically the test correlations in corrs.npz) as a flatmap using pycortex. I see that you've kindly provided the anatomical files for each subject, but when I try to load them in (e.g. following the docs here) the directory structure doesn't seem to align for visualization.

Is it possible to visualize the resulting corrs with the provided data or is some of the necessary anatomical information missing? Thanks a bunch!


Ah I did figure it out! Thanks for providing all the files :)

All it took was pointing the cortex config filestore to the ds003020/derivative/pycortex-db directory and then passing the right xfmname (e.g. for subject 'UTS03', the xfmname is 'UTS03_auto' when visualizing.