
Am learning Django for the whole month of August

Primary LanguagePython


Am learning Django for the whole month of August

Great! Learning Django over the course of a month can be a rewarding experience. Here's a daily plan for August, starting from the basics and gradually moving to more advanced concepts.

Week 1: Introduction to Django and Basic Concepts

Day 1 (Aug 1):

  • Introduction to Django: What is it and why use it?
  • Set up your development environment: Install Python, pip, and Django.
  • Create your first Django project.

Day 2 (Aug 2):

  • Understand Django's project structure.
  • Introduction to Django's urls.py and views.py.
  • Create your first view and map a URL to it.

Day 3 (Aug 3):

  • Learn about Django templates: How to create and render them.
  • Create a simple HTML template and render it using a view.

Day 4 (Aug 4):

  • Introduction to Django models: How to define data structures.
  • Create a simple model and understand how to make migrations.

Day 5 (Aug 5):

  • Work with Django's admin interface: Setting up and customizing it.
  • Add models to the admin interface and perform basic CRUD operations.

Day 6 (Aug 6):

  • Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Basic queries.
  • Learn how to query and filter data using Django's ORM.

Day 7 (Aug 7):

  • Work on a small project: Build a basic blog with posts.
  • Set up models, views, and templates for the blog.

Week 2: Deeper into Django Features

Day 8 (Aug 8):

  • Django's forms: Understanding forms and form handling.
  • Create a simple form and process form data in views.

Day 9 (Aug 9):

  • Django's built-in form validation and custom validation.
  • Enhance your form handling with validation.

Day 10 (Aug 10):

  • Django's generic views: Using built-in views for common tasks.
  • Implement list and detail views for the blog project.

Day 11 (Aug 11):

  • User authentication: Understanding Django's user model.
  • Implement user registration, login, and logout features.

Day 12 (Aug 12):

  • User authorization: Permissions and groups.
  • Restrict access to certain parts of your site based on user roles.

Day 13 (Aug 13):

  • Django's session and messages framework.
  • Learn to manage user sessions and display messages.

Day 14 (Aug 14):

  • Add comments to the blog: Create a comment model, form, and integrate with posts.
  • Practice what you've learned by expanding the blog project.

Week 3: Advanced Django Topics

Day 15 (Aug 15):

  • Django's middleware: Understanding and creating custom middleware.
  • Learn how middleware can modify requests and responses.

Day 16 (Aug 16):

  • Django's signals: Understanding and using signals for decoupled apps.
  • Implement signals in your project for specific actions.

Day 17 (Aug 17):

  • Django's File Uploads: Handling file and image uploads.
  • Implement a feature to upload and display images in your blog.

Day 18 (Aug 18):

  • Django's caching framework: Understanding caching and its benefits.
  • Implement basic caching in your project.

Day 19 (Aug 19):

  • Django's internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n).
  • Make your project ready for multiple languages.

Day 20 (Aug 20):

  • Django's testing framework: Writing and running tests.
  • Write unit tests for models, views, and forms.

Day 21 (Aug 21):

  • Implement a search feature in your blog.
  • Learn how to use Django's search capabilities.

Week 4: Deployment and Best Practices

Day 22 (Aug 22):

  • Django's static files: Managing CSS, JavaScript, and images.
  • Set up static files for production.

Day 23 (Aug 23):

  • Security in Django: Best practices for securing your site.
  • Learn about common security issues and how to prevent them.

Day 24 (Aug 24):

  • Django's deployment checklist and settings for production.
  • Prepare your project for deployment.

Day 25 (Aug 25):

  • Deploy your Django project: Choose a hosting provider (Heroku, DigitalOcean, etc.).
  • Set up your project on a live server.

Day 26 (Aug 26):

  • Implement HTTPS and set up a domain for your project.
  • Learn about SSL certificates and secure your site.

Day 27 (Aug 27):

  • Performance optimization: Database optimization and query performance.
  • Use tools like Django Debug Toolbar to identify and fix performance issues.

Day 28 (Aug 28):

  • Backup and disaster recovery: Database backups and restoring.
  • Set up automated backups for your database.

Day 29 (Aug 29):

  • Monitoring and logging: Implement monitoring for your application.
  • Set up logging to track errors and user activity.

Day 30 (Aug 30):

  • Final project: Add any remaining features and polish your blog.
  • Ensure your site is fully functional, secure, and optimized.

Day 31 (Aug 31):

  • Review and reflect: Review what you've learned and plan for further learning.
  • Consider learning about Django REST Framework, more advanced deployment techniques, or other Django-related technologies.

This plan covers a broad range of topics and should give you a solid foundation in Django. Good luck, and feel free to ask any questions along the way!