
A package to watch queries in your Laravel application -- including PHPUnit asserts.

Primary LanguagePHP


QueryWatcher is a composer package for Laravel that allows you to monitor and analyze database queries executed during the runtime of your application. It provides methods to track slow queries and identify duplicate queries.


You can install the QueryWatcher package via Composer by running the following command:

composer require huubverbeek/query-watcher


This package requires php 8.1 or higher.


To start watching queries, you can use the watch method provided by the QueryWatcher facade:

use HuubVerbeek\QueryWatcher\Facades\QueryWatcher;


This will enable the query watcher and start collecting executed queries.

All Queries

To retrieve all the queries you can use the queries method:

$allQueries = QueryWatcher::queries();

Slow Queries

To retrieve the slow queries (queries that exceed a certain execution time), you can use the slowQueries method:

$slowQueries = QueryWatcher::slowQueries();

You can also set a custom threshold (the default is one second) for slow queries by using the setSlowThreshold method:

QueryWatcher::setSlowThreshold(2.0); // Set slow threshold to 2 seconds

Duplicate Queries

To identify duplicate queries (queries with the same SQL statement and bindings), you can use the duplicateQueries method:

$duplicateQueries = QueryWatcher::duplicateQueries();


The QueryWatcher package also provides assertion methods to facilitate testing. These methods allow you to assert whether certain conditions are met based on the executed queries.

  • assertHasDuplicateQueries: Assert that duplicate queries were executed.
  • assertNoDuplicateQueries: Assert that no duplicate queries were executed.
  • assertHasSlowQueries: Assert that slow queries were executed.
  • assertNoSlowQueries: Assert that no slow queries were executed.

Here's an example of using assertions in a test case:

public function test_queries()

    // Code that executes queries



If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


The QueryWatcher package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.