
TOML configuration file parser written in Haskell.

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION


A TOML parser library in Haskell.

TOML is the obvious, minimal configuration language by Tom Preston-Werner. It is an alternative to the XML, YAML and INI formats for the purpose of configuration files, as the first two are too heavy for that prupose, and the latter is underspecified. Toml is to configuration files, like what Markdown is for rich-text.

This library aims to be compatible with the latest version of the TOML spec, currently that is v0.3.1.

The documentation for this package may (or may not) be found on Hackage.

Quick start

Installing htoml is easy.

cabal install htoml

In order to make your project depend on it you can add it as a dependency in your project's cabal file.

To quickly show some features of htoml we start GHCi from the root of the repository so it picks up configuration from the .ghci file that lives there.

git clone https://github.com/cies/htoml.git
cd htoml
cabal sandbox init  ;# initialize a cabal sandbox
cabal install       ;# install the dependencies and build all
cabal repl          ;# starts a sandbox-aware GHCi

We can immediately start exploring from the GHCi prompt.

> txt <- readFile "benchmarks/example.toml"
> let r = parseTomlDoc "" txt
> r
Right (fromList [("database",NTable (fromList [("enabled",NTValue (VBoolean True) [...]

> let Right toml = r
> toJSON toml
Object (fromList [("database",Object (fromList [("enabled",Bool True) [...]

> let Left error = parseTomlDoc "" "== invalid toml =="
> e
(line 1, column 1):
unexpected '='
expecting "#", "[" or end of input

Notice that some outputs are truncated, indicated by [...].

How to pull data from a TOML file after parsing it

Once you have sucessfully parsed a TOML file you most likely want to pull some piecces of data out of the resulting data structure.

To do so you have two main options. The first is to use pattern matching. For example let's consider the following parseResult:

Right (fromList [("server",NTable (fromList [("enabled",NTValue (VBoolean True))] ) )] )

Which could be pattern matched with:

case parseResult of
  Left  _ -> "Could not parse file"
  Right m -> case m ! "server" of
    NTable mm -> case mm ! "enabled" of
      VBoolean b -> "Server is " ++ (if b then "enabled" else "disabled")
      _ -> "Could not parse server status (Boolean)"
    _ -> "TOML file does not contain the 'server' key"

The second main option is to use the toJSON function to transform the data to an Aeson data structure, after which you can use your Aeson toolbelt to tackle the problem. Since TOML is intended to be a close cousin of JSON this is a very practical approach.

Other ways to pull data from a parsed TOML document will most likely exist; maybe the lens library can give great results in some cases. But I have no experience with them.

Version contraints of htoml's dependencies

If you encounter any problems because htoml's dependecies are constrained either too much or too little, please file a issue for that.

I will try to have htoml included in Stackage as soon as it is reviewed by the community. Stackage provides a very attractive solution to most (dependency) version conflicts.

Tests and benchmarks

The test suite is build by default, cabal configure --disable-tests disables them. The benchmark suite is not run by default, cabal configure --enable-benchmarks enables them.

With cabal build both of these suites are build as executables and put somewhere in dist/. Passing --help to them will reveal their options.

BurntSushi's language agnostic test suite is embedded in the test suite executable. Using a shell script (that lives in test/BurntSushi) the latest tests can be fetched from BurntSushi's repository.


Most welcome! Please raise issues, start discussions, give comments or submit pull-requests. This is one of the first Haskell libraries I wrote, any feedback is much appreciated.


  • Compatibility to the TOML spec is proven by an extensive test suite
  • Incorporates BurntSushi's language agnostic test suite
  • Has an internal representation that easily maps to JSON
  • Provides an Aeson-style JSON interface (suggested by Greg Weber)
  • Useful error messages (thanks to using Parsec over Attoparsec)
  • Understands arrays as described in this issue
  • Fails on mix-type arrays (as per spec)
  • Comes with a benchmark suite to make performance gains/regressions measurable
  • Tries to be well documented (please raise an issue if you find documentation lacking)


  • Release a stable 1.0 release and submit it to Stackage
  • More documentation
  • Make all tests pass (currently some more obscure corner cases don't pass)
  • Add property tests with QuickCheck (the internet says it's possible for parsers)
  • Extensively test error cases
  • Try using Vector instead of List (measure performance increase with the benchmarks)
  • See how lenses may (or may not) fit into this package


Originally this project started off by improving the toml package by Spiros Eliopoulos.

Copyright and licensing

This package includes BurntSushi's language agnostic TOML tests, which are WTFPL licensed.

The TOML examples that are used as part of the benchmarks are copied from Tom Preston-Werner's TOML spec which is MIT licensed.

For all other files in this project the copyrights are specified in the htoml.cabal file, and are distributed under the BSD3 license as found in the LICENSE file.