Service Worker 101
Working Offline and Instant Loading (@GDG DevFest 2016)
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What is in - Hello World of Service Worker
- Make your own Offline Dinosaurs
- Stale/Fastest while revalidate
What is covered
TLDR; All the fundamental stuffs of SW to help your site work offline and load instantly.
It covers techniques below, but in a step-by-step order:
- Motivation
- Why AppCache & H2 is insufficient
- How SW works
- Web Workers
- Shared Workers
- Background Processing
- Event-Driven
- LifeCycle
- SW state
- First SW
- Updating SW
- Events
- LifeCycle Events
- Functional Events
- Extendable Events
- Caching Strategies
- Network First
- Cache First
- Generic Fallback
- Fatest (Racing)
- Stale while revalidate
- Fastest while revalidate
- Cache then network
- Gotchas
- Etc.
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