Open Sesame

Open Sesame is a proof-of-concept application demonstrating how to use Huygens Federated authentication and Google authentication in a Dropwizard app.

Getting the source

Clone from github:

$ git clone


Use the gradle wrapper ./gradlew to build:

$ ./gradlew build

Prerequisites for running

For the Google authentication part to work you will have to obtain a Client ID and Client Secrets using the Google Dashboard [1]:

  • Visit Google API Console, then:

    • Select the Credentials setting from the sidebar on the left.
    • Select Create credentials for an OAuth client ID.
    • Select Web application as the Application type.
    • Leave Authorized JavaScript origins empty.
    • Under Authorized redirect URIs, enter the proper URL where Google will redirect the browser after authentication is complete, passing auth token and state:
      • For local testing, use http://localhost:8080/api/google/oauth2 if your server will be running on the default localhost, port 8080.
      • Multiple URLs are allowed in the dashboard and changes in the dashboard are effective immediately
      • Ultimately (in production) this URL must match what you setup in nl.knaw.huc.di.sesame.resources.GoogleLogin (q.v.)
  • Copy config-template.yaml to, e.g., config.yaml, then edit config.yaml to setup:

    • your Google Client ID and Client Secret:

        clientSecret: your-client-secret-here
    • your Huygens Security Server secret (supplied by Concern Infrastructure):

        credentials: Huygens security-server-key-here
        url: security-server-url-here


Now, you should be good to go:

$ java -jar ./build/libs/open-sesame-full.jar server config.yaml

and visit http://localhost:8080/argos/index.html


Some stuff is currently still hardwired, which can easily be migrated to configuration time bindings:

  • HOCR files' location is hardwired in nl.knaw.huc.di.sesame.SesameApplication#registerResources
  • uploaded files are dumped in /tmp as dictated by nl.knaw.huc.di.sesame.resources.argos.Argos#putText

If you wish to dive straight into using authorization, nl.knaw.huc.di.sesame.auth.DefaultAuthorizer and nl.knaw.huc.di.sesame.resources.argos.Argos form a good starting point.

[1]For background and more info see: "Obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google API Console" in Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs