
Interview for a contract positin at APPLE on the SIRI Privacy Data Team

Primary LanguagePython

Apple-Siri Privacy Team Data Engineer-interview-prep

Three Separate Rounds Total via WebEx - All technical. Not a single behavioral question was ask or for that matter my experiences and education. Just straight into Data Structures and Algorithms. DS&A is good for interviewing but in my decades of experience there is a vast difference in day to day operations. Another Flawed hiring practice, imho.

  • First round with engineer was ask to find the Minimum Window Substring coding question and To return a True Shuffle of an Array I only had time afterwards to be ask:
    1. What is the difference between repartition and coalesce?

  • Second Round was with another Engineer. I was asked to write a Multi-Threaded Scheduler They wanted to see how you check the queue and put in a delay. Then how it would run as a API for a client.
    1. How would you check a JVM run time for stats on which methods are taking the longest to run?
    2. How would you performance tune a Spark application to make it run more efficiently?
    3. Explain the Big O theory
    4. Compare Spark and Hadoop, list reasons and examples why Spark would outperform Hadoop

  • Third and final was with Hiring manager. I was asked only one coding question of how to Count Distinct Elements in an array Then make it absolutely efficient. Finally shuffle/split across Three Clusters.

I have provided all my Solutions I came up with of All Coding and verbal questions actually asked during interview plus a few LeetCode practice and additional verbal questions I felt could have been asked of me.