This repo ( repository ) is intended to act as a GateWay to other activities I am involved in
SPIL = ( Subjects' Product Initiatives Laboratory ) considerations ...
- Trusted Customer Relationships Management focus.
- extend opportunity rankings, distinguishing Short-term, Mid-term, and Long-term schedules
- rank the initial opportunities, as they are recognized
- establish schedule milestones
- ask for confidentiality contracts & and written data transfer procedures
- monitor the current effort to 'read' the MpAc data.
- ask Warren if the emailed Teranet pages are an acceptable initial starting point.
- continue editing them
- Marketing is suggesting that the work Laboratory be replaced since it implies a level of experimentation that is now inappropriate.
- set up more of the technical community structure
- integrate a StackEdit interface
- discuss documentation structures that will assist new users
- noted that the selected options will build the project page(s) from the master branch as opposed to the docs directory
- determine if this can or should be changed
- extend the ThreeByThree concept ( 3X3 = last + next 2 Events & next three decades )
- the documentation of the 3X3 concept may be better place elsewhere, ...
- explore the apparent differences between a Team repo and a User repo
- consider the default Yser pages and their structure
- decide on uses