
This is a tiny todolist in Tiddlywiki. It supports categories and is high customizable

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a tiny todolist in Tiddlywiki. It supports categories and is high customizable

  • Evaluation is scheduled.
  • cosider the conversion hints (when time allows)
  • note that Mohammad is shown as a contributor to this forked repo
    • ensure my updates are not pestering him
  • confirm changes are being recorded
    • pwerhaps
      • there is a lag ?
      • this "HTML" type is interferring with expected results ??


  • replaced MASTER with MAIN
  • this repo was automatically forked from its source when I did an edit in that read-only repo.
    • review for currency
      • it seems I need to delete some of the commits I may have done.
    • is it possible thas could aid in bootstrapping a GitHub hosted TW?
      • I could do a new fork in order to get the updated version


If you have a local clone, you can update it by running the following commands.

  • git branch -m master main
  • git fetch origin
  • git branch -u origin/main main
  • git remote set-head origin -a