
Project of IR with Sofia d'Atri

Primary LanguagePython

Information Retrieval System Project


This project, a collaboration with Sofia d'Atri, designs an Information Retrieval (IR) system applying IR principles for effective digital information gathering, indexing, and retrieval based on user queries.

Data Collection

Utilizing Scrapy, data was extracted from key photography sites:

Storage and Indexing

Data is stored in MongoDB, chosen for scalability and flexibility, facilitating efficient management and retrieval.

Search Engine Development

A Vue.js-based search engine with a FastAPI backend enhances user search experience, demonstrating seamless integration for query processing and information retrieval.

Personalized Recommendations

The engine offers personalized content suggestions by tracking search history with cookies, improving user engagement through tailored recommendations.

Theoretical Foundations

The project integrates IR theories like data clustering and algorithms for ranking search results, showcasing the application of IR principles in a practical, user-focused tool for discovering photography content.