
Created a routing protocol in Cpp. We implemented RIP, OSPF and EIGRP. We also implemented a DNS server.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

All the files have been commented for your ease. Furthermore you may also add further comments if you may.

How to run:

1: Compile s1, s2, s4, c and proxy.cpp.
2: In separate terminals, run the executables of all server files in this order s1 -> s2 -> s4 -> proxy.
3: Again in separate terminals, run the client executable. For multiple clients, run the same executable in different terminals.
4: Select whatever you wish the clients to do.

Doesn't require anything more than a C++ compiler and a shell

As this was a group project, hence attached is the link of my group member who equally contributed in this project:

Sana: https://github.com/sanaa-khan

For further queries contact me at : chhxnshah@gmail.com