
first Northcoders News API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Northcoders News API

Link to project on Heroku

This api has many endpoints allowing access to northcoders news.

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


The minimum version of node you will need to run this app is v12.11.1


Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/Hy-M/be-nc-news-sprint

cd be-nc-news-sprint

Install the dependencies:

npm i

In the 'db' folder, create a file called credentials.js to store your psql credentials:

exports.username = "yourusername";
exports.password = "yourpassword";

Set up the development and test databases :

npm run setup-dbs

Seed the development database:

npm run seed

Run the app. It will run on http://localhost:9090

npm start

To view all of the available endpoints in JSON format, make a GET /api request.


To run tests on the endpoints, type the following in your terminal:

npm test

To run tests on the util functions:

npm test-utils

API endpoints

The following endpoints are available:

GET /api/topics

GET /api/users/:username

GET /api/articles/:article_id
PATCH /api/articles/:article_id

POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments
GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments

GET /api/articles

PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id
DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id

GET /api

More specifically, each endpoint responds like this:

GET /api/topics

Responds with

  • an array of topic objects, each of which should have the following properties:
    • slug
    • description

GET /api/users/:username

Responds with

  • a user object which should have the following properties:
    • username
    • avatar_url
    • name

GET /api/articles/:article_id

Responds with

  • an article object, which should have the following properties:

    • author which is the username from the users table
    • title
    • article_id
    • body
    • topic
    • created_at
    • votes
    • comment_count which is the total count of all the comments with this article_id - you should make use of knex queries in order to achieve this

PATCH /api/articles/:article_id

Request body accepts

  • an object in the form { inc_votes: newVote }

    • newVote will indicate how much the votes property in the database should be updated by


    { inc_votes : 1 } would increment the current article's vote property by 1

    { inc_votes : -100 } would decrement the current article's vote property by 100

Responds with

  • the updated article

POST /api/articles/:article_id/comments

Request body accepts

  • an object with the following properties:
    • username
    • body

Responds with

  • the posted comment

GET /api/articles/:article_id/comments

Responds with

  • an array of comments for the given article_id of which each comment should have the following properties:
    • comment_id
    • votes
    • created_at
    • author which is the username from the users table
    • body

Accepts queries

  • sort_by, which sorts the comments by any valid column (defaults to created_at)
  • order, which can be set to asc or desc for ascending or descending (defaults to descending)

GET /api/articles

Responds with

  • an articles array of article objects, each of which should have the following properties:
    • author which is the username from the users table
    • title
    • article_id
    • topic
    • created_at
    • votes
    • comment_count which is the total count of all the comments with this article_id - you should make use of knex queries in order to achieve this

Should accept queries

  • sort_by, which sorts the articles by any valid column (defaults to date)
  • order, which can be set to asc or desc for ascending or descending (defaults to descending)
  • author, which filters the articles by the username value specified in the query
  • topic, which filters the articles by the topic value specified in the query

PATCH /api/comments/:comment_id

Request body accepts

  • an object in the form { inc_votes: newVote }

    • newVote will indicate how much the votes property in the database should be updated by


    { inc_votes : 1 } would increment the current comments's vote property by 1

    { inc_votes : -1 } would decrement the current comments's vote property by 1

Responds with

  • the updated comment

DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id


  • delete the given comment by comment_id

Responds with

  • status 204 and no content

GET /api

Responds with

  • JSON describing all the available endpoints

Built using

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node postgres
  • Knex.js
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Chai-sorted
  • Supertest


Humayraa Mulla