
A fully-featured port of GregTech 3 for modern minecraft versions

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


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GregTech Experimental

Table of Contents


GregTech, originally created by Gregorious Technecities, is a mod that overhauls IndustrialCraft2, adding several new machines, fluids, tools, and adjusting recipes to make them fit with its system, and to make everything work well together.

GregTech Experimental is a fully-featured port of GregTech 3 for modern minecraft versions. It offers all features of GT3, in their original form, unchanged. Machines, covers, upgrades, tools, as you know them.


Check out in-game images of GTE here.

Development Status

GTE is currently nearing a full release, with the vast majority of machines implemented. The last few remaining tasks are mainly code cleanup and bugfixes.
Join our discord to keep up with the progress!


All documentation is available on the wiki


GTE is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. All assets, except for logos, are licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. The GregTech Experimental logo is a derivate of the GregTech logo, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License.



Get the latest release on CurseForge!

Gradle dependency

GTE is available on maven via Github Packages, which requires additional authentication. This can be done in a few simple steps listed below.

1. Generate a Personal Access Token

Visit your github token settings and generate a new token with the read:packages scope. Make sure to copy it, as you can only see it once.

2. Storing your Github credentials

Create a properties file for storing your username and token. Let's call it github.properties.


Copy & paste the text above into the file, and replace <username> and <key> with your username and your access token respectively.

3. Importing your credentials into the gradle project

Create a Properties object and load the github.properties file into it:

Properties githubProps = new Properties();
file("github.properties").withInputStream {

4. Declaring the repository

Declare the Github Packages repository and authenticate using your credentials:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
        url = "https://maven.pkg.github.com/Su5eD/GregTech-Experimental"
        credentials {
            username = githubProps.getProperty("gpr.user")
            password = githubProps.getProperty("gpr.key")

5. Declaring the dependency

GregTech Experimental offers 3 artifacts:

  • The complete, obfuscated jar
  • The API jar. Contains API classes and source code
  • A deobfuscated jar. It's only recommended to use it if you're using the same mappings as GTE (currently stable_39). Otherwise use the full jar.

Example dependency declarations:

dependencies {
    // The default jar
    implementation fg.deobf("mods.su5ed:gregtechmod:<version>")
    // The API
    implementation fg.deobf("mods.su5ed:gregtechmod:<version>:api")
    // The deobfuscated jar
    implementation "mods.su5ed:gregtechmod:<version>:dev"

Building from source


Make sure you have Git and JDK 8 (OracleJDK or OpenJDK) installed


Note: Make sure to prepend ./ to every gradlew command you execute if you're on macOS / Linux

  1. Open a Command Prompt (Windows) or Shell (macOS / Linux)
  2. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Su5eD/GregTech-Experimental.git
  3. Open the cloned folder: cd GregTech-Experimental
  4. Compile the mod: gradlew build. The resulting jars will be located in build/libs

Importing into an IDE

If you're a developer and/or you want to set up a dev workspace, import the project into an IDE of your choice:

  • IntelliJ IDEA (Recommended)
    1. Import the build.gradle file as a project
    2. Execute the genIntellijRuns gradle task, either using a command prompt, or the Gradle tab on the right.
  • Eclipse
    1. Run gradlew genEclipseRuns
    2. Open Eclipse and go to Import > Gradle > Existing Gradle Project, or run gradlew eclipse and then import the project