

By Hyeong-Ju Kang


AoCStream is a CNN processing accelerator that implements a whole CNN with on-chip memories (All-on-Chip implementation). The detailed architecture will be presented as a poster in ISFPGA 2023, and a full version paper is available on arXiv.

Citing AoCStream

Please cite AAP in your publications if it helps your research:

	author = {Kang, Hyeong-Ju},
	title = {AoCStream: All-on-Chip CNN Accelerator With Stream-Based Line-Buffer Architecture},
	version = {1},
	date = {2011-12-19},
	eprinttype = {arxiv},
	eprintclass = {cs.LG, cs.GT},
	eprint = {},
	url = {}
	author = {Kang, Hyeong-Ju},
	title = {AoCStream: All-on-Chip CNN Accelerator With Stream-Based Line-Buffer Architecture},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays},
	year = {2023},
	pages = {}

1. MobileNet V1 + SSDLiteX

1.1. For KCU116 (Xilinx Kintex UltraScale+ XCKU5P) Board

Not board confirmed

1.1.1. Maximum Frequency (No PLL)

Input Size LUT(K) Reg(K) BRAM URAM DSP Clock(MHz) FPS Bit file
320x320 137 218 454 25 464 428 260.9 bit
384x384 145 219 454 25 464 349 147.7 bit
448x448 148 233 476 25 476 400 124.5 bit
512x512 154 232 476 44 476 375 89.3 bit

The models can be downloaded at Section 2.1 of this page

1.2. For NetFPGA 1G CML (Xilinx Kintex-7 325T) Board

1.2.1. Maximum Frequency (No PLL)

Not board confirmed

Input Size LUT(K) Reg(K) BRAM URAM DSP Clock(MHz) FPS Bit file
320x320 156 195 445 - 360 186 100.9 bit

1.2.1. 60FPS Target

Board confirmed with the example host board on Applendix 2.

Input Size LUT(K) Reg(K) BRAM URAM DSP Clock(MHz) FPS Bit file
320x320 147 195 445 - 360 120 65.1 bit

Appendix 1. Board Interface

Host to CNN Processing Board

The host sends image data with the following signals. In the figure, t_cyc means the clock cycle time of the CNN processing.

Input data timing

The in_data signal consists of 26 bits.

  • in_data[25]: 1 - on the first pixel of a frame, 0 - o.w.
  • in_data[24]: 1 - on the first pixel of a line, 0 - o.w.
  • in_data[23:16]: Red
  • in_data[15:8]: Blue
  • in_data[7:0]: Green

CNN Processing Board to Host

The CNN processing board sends the detection results with the following signals. In the figure, t_cyc means the clock cycle time of the CNN processing.

Output data timing

The out_data signal consists of 16 bits.

out_data[15:13] out_data[12:0]
000 7 bit class number (1~81)
001 8 bit probalility (0.xxxxxxxx)
010 xmin
011 xmax
100 ymin
101 ymax

The counting value out_data[15:13] increments 0 to 5 at the rising edge of in_strb. The remainig bits of out_data changes accordingly.

Appendix 2. Example Host Board

Nexys Video board is used for the example host board. The HDMI project of Nexy Video was modifed.

  • Download the project. (For your information, FMC connection XDC)
  • Make a system as follows. Demo system
  • Run Nexys Video as instructed in the HDMI project.
  • Program the CNN processing board with a bit file as in Section 1.2.1.