JavaFX Graph Simulator

Third Semester Final Project for Data Structure & Algorithms course.
Department of Information Systems Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

Algorithms Implemented

  1. Djikstra
  2. Kruskal's MST (Broken)
  3. Topological Sort
  4. Depth First Traversal
  5. Acyclic/Cylic Check


  • IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.2 17.0.5
  • Java JDK 19.0.2


  1. JavaFX
  2. Event consume
  3. Handler vs Filter
  4. Iterator on thread
  5. Line Arrow
  6. Detecting cycle in undirected graph
  7. Detecting cycle in directed graph
  8. Common Dialog Window


I am aware of how awful these algorithm is written in both time and space complexity in addition to the amount of bugs and unintended behaviour exist, however it is all I can do with the little time to work with at that time.

Also, probably should've used this library :/