
A Discord Bot which is Made for running on the HSE Manager Discord Server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This bot is made to run on the HSE Manager server.

Discord Status DeepScan grade CodeFactor Codacy Badge Deploy FOSSA Status Gitmoji ko-fi

How to run it ?

  1. To run the bot, you need to clone it. Just type:
$ git clone https://github.com/hypesquad-event-manager/hse-manager-bot
  1. Then, you'll need to install dependencies. To do that just type:
$ npm i
$ npm install
  1. Once you installed them, you'll just need to create some files to hold the app credentials. First, you'll need to create a folder at the project root named private - it will be automaticaly ignored by git - , once you did that, create a file named tokens.js and write the following in it:
module.exports = {
    CLIENTS: {
        HSE_BOT: "Put the bot token here"
    TWITTER: {
        CONSUMER_KEY: "",
        CONSUMER_SECRET: "",
        ACCESS_TOKEN: "",
        // Fill those with your Twitter API Credentials (If you don't need The functionality, leave those empty.)
  1. Then you can run the app with the following command:
$ npm start

How to contribute ?

To contribute, you can commit your changes to the repository. You can contribute to commands or events triggered by the bot:


  1. Add a file named command_name.js in the app/commands folder, then follow this syntax into the file:
// Example import if you need the bot object
const { bot } = require("../app"); 

// Change command for the name of the command, exemple: help, ban, ...
class command {
    constructor() {
        /* Need to be a valid permission from discord.js, 
        it is the permission needed for the user to execute the command.
        Do not define in the constructor if you don't want to set a restriction*/
        this.permission = "MANAGE_MESSAGES" 
        execute(message, args) {
            // Your command execution here

// This is mandatory, the exported object must be the command class
module.exports.commands = { command }
  1. Upload it to Github

Fork This Repository, upload your changed files and open a Pull Request targeted at the develop branch.

If We Like what you did and think it's a good adition, we will merge your PR.


To register one or more events, create a file inside the app/events folder and then name it event_name.js then, you can code inside, exemple:

// Import the bot object
const { bot } = require("../app");

// Register an event
bot.on("guildMemberAdd", member => {
    // Your code here



FOSSA Status